“People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure.”
“The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.”
David Attenborough
Saseka Safaris understands and appreciates the privilege we have in sharing our corner of the natural world with you. It is our responsibility to ensure that we are involved in the conservation of wildlife, the empowerment of local communities and in caring for our beautiful planet.
We carefully select our partners in the industry, ensuring they are following the best eco-ethics: working in a responsible and sustainable manner, employing locally wherever possible and paying industry standard wages, managing and protecting the wildlife and the environment, being involved with and involving local communities at all levels, protecting and preserving the birthright of all Africans.
A percentage of each of your beautiful journeys contributes towards supporting our partnership with Lessons In Conservation.
Dean - CEO of Lessons in Conservation taking children on a drive to experience safari - James Suter
Lessons in Conservation is a youth-led non-profit company working to create a better future for the generations to come. They identify and establish relationships with schools and community organisations across Africa to teach children about the natural world, why we need it and what we can do to preserve it - together.
Their goals:
How they do what they do:
They identify and establish relationships with community organisations that focus on the development and education of children and younger generations. They then give interactive lessons on nature conservation and the natural environment with the aid of PowerPoint presentations, activities, and physical specimens to ensure their teachings are engaging, practical and most importantly remembered. Children are then taken on an excursion to a conservation area to see and experience what they have been taught first-hand.
At Saseka Safaris, we support LiC’s mission,‘To create a long-lasting platform to raise awareness about conservation in the communities of sub-Saharan Africa’. We firmly believe in the important work that LiC is doing and to show our support, contribute a percentage from each trip taken by our guests to this worthwhile organisation.
To learn more about what they do, visit their website or Instagram or Facebook.